PCWorld – It’s no secret that the faltering economy is taking its toll on the tech world. You may not have noticed, though, how often your wallet has been hit with sneaky fees as a result. We’ve identified seven recently introduced surcharges on tech-related products–add-ons that vendors aren’t exactly trumpeting. Ready to see where companies are hiding the new fees?

Sneaky Fee Philosophy

Everything is so easily accessible be it get viagra prescription information or products. The cost and free viagra in canada effects varies from one medicine to another. You just cialis properien need to believe in yourself and gain back your confidence. Drinking extra water (purified) and increasing fiber by including more fruits levitra 20mg and vegetables in the diet are also essential steps. Sneaky fees are by no means new. A study two years ago found that American consumers, on average, pay almost $950 each in cloaked costs every year. Now, with the mangled state of the economy heralding hard times ahead, corporations are have even more reason to try to bump up the price of their goods by subtly tacking on a few cents here and there for various nominal services and extras. “Companies are struggling with this new economic environment in the last 12 months,” says Bob Sullivan, author of Gotcha Capitalism and columnist of MSNBC’s Red Tape Chronicles. “They’ll really be willing to do anything to survive.”

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