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Month: May 2008 (Page 2 of 2)

Will it Burn – Episode 1

Ever use a magnifying glass to smoke something? Ever wonder what a really, really big lens could do? Dr. Blip wondered too, and when he saw a three-by-four-foot Fresnel lens offered by American Science and Surplus, he just had to see what it would do to a hard drive. Here are the results, in the first of a series of “Will it Burn” videos, wherein we explore the combustibility of various items in the safety of the Nevada desert. Yes this is a knock-off of –er– inspired by “Will it Blend” – and it’s much, much more fun (and more dangerous, as you will see in the out-take).

Enjoy this first installment, and please post your comments. We’re interested in your feedback, including ideas about what to “focus” on next.

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Developing a New Framework

This post is a bit of a change for me. I’m actually going to write about my work for PC-Doctor! I’m actually a bit embarrassed at how rare that’s been.

I want to talk about how to design a brand new framework. It’s not something that everyone has to do, and it’s not something that anyone does frequently. However, there’s very little information on the web about the differences between creating a library and a framework.
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