Author Topic: Premier Kit Usage  (Read 2282 times)

Offline acm77

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it has past a time when i purchased that premier kit but no gain except loss of my money, and no help i get.  i know only to use the usb flash and the other disks,

i need to know how to use premier kit, such as: minipci post card, e.t.c.

i need to diagnosis with your premier kit when a laptop does not display at all, to test whether ram, processor,hdd,screen, inventor back-light lamp, cable, video, powersupply or motherboard is dead or ok?

Yours Sincerely,

Offline Kris_PCD

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    • PC-Doctor, Inc
Hi Acm,

I am sorry if you have felt that you aren't getting any assistance. The last request for support that I had received from you was back in May, but I hadn't heard anything from you and had closed the ticket.

The primary resource that we recommend for all of our Service Center customers is our documentation, which can be found electronically in a number of ways:

  1) CD - the documentation is located on the Diagnostics CD at D:\sc\bin\Documentation. (Change the D: as needed to access the CD)
  2) Within SC - Once Service Center for Windows is launched, the documentation is available under the help menu in the top menu bar.
  3) After install - the documentation is copied to the hard drive as part of the installation, e.g.:
  * c:\Program Files (x86)\PC-Doctor Service Center \Documentation

The User Guide should provide you with the basic instructions required to utilize all of the components of your premier kit.

As far as your question about testing a laptop without any video, troubleshooting such a system can be very difficult.  Do you know if the system is booting or not?  You may be better off trying to check for BIOS beep codes, as the system may not even be POSTing successfully. If the system has a mini-PCI slot, you may also use the min-PCI POST card to help diagnose the issue.

While it's beyond the scope of the support that we offer, if you have knowledge of DOS batch files, it is possible to run an unattended diagnostic. Note that even if the system is booting, without video, you may not be able to select the MUD to be a bootable device, making the above into a purely educational experience. If you do attempt to run automated diagnostics with our product, please remember that we are unable to offer support for customer modifications (e.g. non-Service Center DOS batch files).

If you have any other questions after reading the documentation, please let me know.

Thank you,
Technical Support Representative
PC-Doctor, Inc.

Offline Thomas K

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While no one loves to hear, thank you for buying our product, now go out and research how to use half the tools... in that case, thats a bit of what you need to do here.. the POST diagnostic cards, report based on the BIOS errors.. each BIOS is different... each Manufacturer, model.. and even each BIOS maker makes changes between versions etc.  This is why you need to consult bioscentral(?) for what returns on the digital readouts.

Unfortunately if PC-Doctor provided that, you'd get something the size of the phone book, and it still would be out of date.