Author Topic: Saving Overlays on the USB Boot tool  (Read 5077 times)

Offline slincoln

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I'm testing small micro-itx PCs that may or may not have an OS on it.  Thus I'm using the Multipurpose USB Boot device to boot into the diagnostics suite.  I'm having trouble retaining the test Overlays I save between sessions.  I'll set it all up and it appears to save within that session, but if I reboot it disappears.  I don't see the point of saving these overlays so that you can run it twice on the same PC so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here.


Offline fwilson

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Saving the overlays in a session does not modify the image on the USB key in any way,  It just changes the pcdr.pdo file in the ram drive.

To make changes permanent is a multi step process.

1) Modify the overlays to your satisfaction.
2) Exit to DOS.
3) Copy the pcdr.pdo file from the ram drive to the USB device.
4) Remove the USB device and place it in a workstation with WinZip (or equivalent)installed.
5) Open up the PC-Doctor zip file, e.g. DS301590.ZIP for Service Center 6
6) Place your modified PCDR.PDO file in the zip file and save.

You will then have your own customized PDO in the build on your USB key.  ;)


P.S. This procedure is also valid for any other files you wish to modify like INI settings.  If you gum up the works the USB Key restore tool will put it all back to stock.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2008, 01:45:16 pm by fwilson »
“Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching.”  ~ J.C. Watts

Offline slincoln

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Great, thanks for your help.

Offline fwilson

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You are most welcome.

“Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching.”  ~ J.C. Watts