Author Topic: Drive Space Manager has quit reporting Folder scan for one device  (Read 2028 times)

Offline LarryECarroll

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Recently PCD on Windows 10 has quit scanning and reporting the Folders on my hard disc drive. It still does on all the other drives, both Folder and File Type.

Should I reinstall and reactivate PCD? How do I re-download the .exe file? My most recent installation on this computer was Aug 28th of this year.

Laer Carroll
Happy user for several years on several computers


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Hello Larry,

I am assuming that this is a secondary, internal drive connected to the motherboard of your computer. Is this correct? If so, what format is the drive in? What changes, if any, has occurred on your system between the time things worked as expected and now?

Offline LarryECarroll

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The disc is a Western Digital 1 terabyte drive. It is the secondary drive; the main one is an SSD. The only changes to my system for the last few years are periodic MS Windows 10 updates.

As stated in the original post DS Mgr reports both file & folder info for all drives except the secondary drive. The change happened about three weeks ago.

PC-Doctor, incidentally, is on all my computers. I also bought and installed it on my lady friend's computer & it's set up to run complete diagnostics every month. I have recommended it to everyone I know who has a computer. This glitch has not diminished my respect for PC-D.