Author Topic: Temperature-Monitoring in Service Center  (Read 2521 times)

Offline chrisn

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first thinks first, i'm using Service Center 7.5 for half an year now and i gotta say... there was not one PC i wasn't able to Boot with PCDSC (MUD or WinPE 3.0) it's great :-)

One thing i would appreciate is Temperature-Monitoring from CPU, Mainboard aso. Is this feature planned in future releases? At the moment i use SC7.5 to test and other Tools to monitor temperature.. so it would just be great to use only one tool.

Thank you


Offline fwilson

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First off, thank you for being a customer and your kind words about our product.

Yes temperature monitoring is being planned for inclusion in the next release. It is already in some OEM builds and improvements are being made every build cycle.

“Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching.”  ~ J.C. Watts