Author Topic: Script questions and others.  (Read 3022 times)

Offline PromptCare

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Just got my PC-Doctor today and my goal is to automate is as much as reasonably possible.

I'd love it if I could click the agreement (would be nicer if I only had to accept that once ever and not every time, likewise to have it always run the USB-version from the USB), and click one of the main scripts and do a fairly exhaustive test including a sector-by-sector check of the drive(s).

Primarily, I'm looking for these things:
1) Is there any way to add out own script(s) to the main tab?  I've tried creating a "long_system.xml" based on the System.xml but it doesn't show up on the main tab.  Can it be done?  This would be fairly important to the simplification plan I've got.  I know I could edit the

2) a script that I can start up and, as fast as possible (using Parallel, I assume), it gives me a solid overview of the system

3) a script that I can start up and leave for whatever length of time (e.g. overnight) for it to be as thorough as possible without needing any interaction from me.

4) Is any level of branding of the software possible?  (Other than just the report)

5) Unless you're running an offline test using the DVD because the system can't boot to the USB, is there any reason to use the DVD at all?  Especially since the DVD requires the USB to be plugged in anyway.
Similarly, what advantages would there be to using the first two options ("Install PC-Doctor" and "Quick Install")?

6) Is there any way to run a test and auto-save its report?  Again, streamlining is the goal here.

Offline PromptCare

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Okay, found the Appendix in the manual -- very helpful.

I'm now at the point where I can run a "long" or "short" batch file from the root of the MUD, it will run its tests, spit out the report, xcopy it to my NAS, open the report in the local browser.  I've attached my "quick_system" batch which uses the default System.xml currently (edit: was going to but "upload folder is full"?)

Input on tweaking the scripts would be welcome - which tests you find to be more necessary than others and which can be skipped entirely (e.g. Modem).

1) Looks like adding our own scripts to Links is the sole option.  Tweaking the defaults are probably not a bad idea (one size doesn't fit all, just most)
3) So far copied the System.xml, set it for 3 passes and turned on most of the tests.
6) Nailed it.

2) Tweak inputs welcome.
4) Branding?
5) Still wondering...

Offline Kris_PCD

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Wow, quite a lot of questions. :o
I will do my best to answer all your questions and provide clarification for the information you have already found on your own where it may be useful.

To answer your questions:
  • As you had found, you can add your own links to the front page. The alternative (which you also seem to have figured out on your own) would be to overwrite standard scripts used for the included links, but the main downside to this is that the description may no longer be accurate or even valid. If you decide to do this I would recommend making backups of the standard scripts for future use, or you can simply restore your USB device to the factory default using the Service Center Diagnostics disc.
  • To get a good overall overview of a system without taking too long is a tricky prospect, but here would be my recommendations for tests to run (Note: You could also always take a look at the system.xml script, because it was designed to provide a quick overview):
    • CPU: The full set (they don't tend to take up much time on their own)
    • Memory: The full set (tends to take longer than CPU, but still quicker than the HDD tests)
    • HDD/SSD:  Targeted Read, SMART (Short, Status, Wear Level, and Threshold), Random Seek, Funnel Seek, and Linear Read Tests (this can take a while depending upon the drive capacity and speed)
    • Video Card: All the memory, and graphics processor (Mathematical Operations) tests
    • CMOS, System Board, PCI Express, PCI Bus, and USB (not USB Ports) Tests: These tests don't tend to take very long, don't require user interaction, and will run against various parts of the motherboard.
    Keep in mind that while enabling Parallel testing will run them all at once, it doesn't always make things faster. While running tests in parallel, some tests will take longer than  when they are run one at a time. This is because many of the tests may require additional resources that are currently being used to run other tests on those components (i.e. Many video tests will require some memory and CPU resources as well as the video card).
  • As you have found, using the Pass Count or Minimum Time Per Test fields will achieve the results you are looking for, but require some trial and error to find what works best for your testing environment. Note that increasing the Pass Count will simply cause those tests to run that many times, and in the case of some tests (CPU comes to mind) those passes will take very little time to complete (Running 100 passes of the CPU Register Test only took 30 seconds on my computer).
  • We do offer branded solutions, but not for our Service Center product. If this interests you I would recommend contacting our Sales team for more information.
  • The Diagnostics disc used to be a requirement in order to use any of our test environments with the exception of DOS, but now its primary purpose is as a way to restore the USB device if it ever becomes corrupted, and as you had stated it is still useful in the event that booting to the USB isn't possible. The only differences between Install and Quick Install is how and where the software is installed. The Quick Install simply puts the necessary files in the computer's temp directory to be removed after reboot by the OS, while the standard Install will perform a Windows installation of Service Center complete with a listing in the start menu and the installed programs list.
  • I assume that you have figured it out given your follow up of "Nailed it". Automatically saving the results of a test script can be achieved one of two ways; declaring a session name before starting any tests will cause the results to be saved as a part of that session, or by using the command line options (which it sounds like you are using).

Please let me know if you have any other questions or would like additional information on any of the items above.

Technical Support Representative
PC-Doctor, Inc.

Offline PromptCare

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Thanks for the reply, Kris.

I think the only one I'm still fuzzy on is #5.  Thought I've seen PC-Doctor on some OEM machines, I'm assuming that I can't just install it on client machines for them to run and provide me the test results down the road...or am I wrong there?  But, again, if I'm able to run the diags off the flash drive (and can't run them anyway without it), for what reasons would I use the quick or full install options? 

Offline Kris_PCD

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For #5, the DVD is used primarily as a way to restore the USB device if it ever becomes necessary, but can also be used to load the software on systems that may have issues with the USB.

The versions of our software that are bundled with some OEM systems would be our bundle product (, and it is usally customized to the OEM's specifications (for a price of course). The most common reason to install our software on a system as opposed to using the Quick Install or Run from DVD/USB options, is for a testbed system that will frequently be connected to potentially defective components for additional testing.

If you want to install software on your client's PC so that they can run diagnostics and provide you with the test results, may I suggest that you take a look at our Toolbox product ( Toolbox is based on the version of our software that is used by the OEM's, and can be purchased in bulk for distribution if you contact our sales team (

I hope this helps, but let me know if you still have questions or come up with any other issues.

Technical Support Representative
PC-Doctor, Inc.